Lake Michigan Sailboat Engagement Session | David + Lauren

Lauren + David share a passion for sailing and even sail competitively, so what better place to take their engagement photos than out on the water?! They were so sweet in giving us a little tour afterward, too. Their session was such a fantastic time!

They have such an adorable story of how they met, that we just had to share: The two of them were at a company party where they made eyes at each other a bit but were too shy to connect… until Lauren’s youngest sister led David to Lauren and got them dancing! They had great chemistry and stayed in touch through moves, life changes, and grad school. Finally two years later, a serendipitous weekend attending a wedding together and a Packers game launched their friendship into the sea of dating ❤️

Love their nautical attire and how in their element they are in their photos. Thank you for a fun session!!! Just can’t wait for your wedding.


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